Katarina Dahlin Ă€r Senior Growth Hacker & SEO-konsult. Med över 5 Ă„rs erfarenhet inom SEO och digital marknadsföring driver Katarina effektivt organisk tillvĂ€xt, och har framgĂ„ngsrikt implementerat SEO-strategier och praktiskt SEO-arbete för Genero kunder inom B2B, B2C och e-handel. PĂ„ sin fritid odlar hon snittblommor i trĂ€dgĂ„rden och ökar ocksĂ„ den organiska trafiken till sin blomsterblogg Slow Flower Garden. Hon har studerat utvecklingspsykologi och har en magisterexamen i samhĂ€llsvetenskaper frĂ„n Åbo Akademi.

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Mina senaste blogginlÀggen

From 0 to 50K Organic Traffic per Month in One Year

Since I started my flower blog, I reached 49,295 in monthly organic traffic in the first year – 1 % of the finnish population visits my site monthly! In the first year of starting my blog, I got 760 words in the top 3 positions on Google, and 1,600 words to positions 4-10 on Google.

My name is Katarina Dahlin, and I love to increase the organic visibility, traffic and sales on ecommerce, b2b and b2c websites. This is my SEO and growth hacking blog, welcome to learn more about what I do here. If you want to contact me, the best way to do it is through LinkedIn.

Who is Katarina Dahlin?

Katarina Dahlin is a Senior Growth Hacker & SEO Consultant. With 5+ years of experience in SEO and digital marketing, Katarina efficiently drives organic growth, having successfully implemented SEO strategies and hands-on work for Genero clients in B2B, B2C, and e-commerce. In her free time, she is both growing cut flowers in the garden and also growing the organic traffic to her flower blog Slow Flower Garden. She studied developmental psychology and holds a master’s degree in social sciences from Åbo Akademi.

Follow or contact me on Linkedin

Katarina Dahlin SEO
Slow Flower Garden
Slow Flower Garden Genero Katarina Dahlin
Speaking at Marketing Business Summit, Milan 16.11.2024. Watch on Youtube.
Visiting SEO-talk in December 2024. Watch on Youtube.
Visiting Digital Web Solutions E-coffee. Watch on Youtube.
Visiting SEO Office Hours 18.10.2024. Watch on Youtube.
Speaking at BrightonSEO 4.10.2024. Watch on Youtube.
Speaking at SEO Vibes Helsinki 23.5.2024. Watch on Youtube.
More SEO-related videos on my Youtube Channel.
More SEO-related videos on my Youtube Channel.

My Speaker Decks

At Marketing Business Summit in Milan 16. November 2024 I did an extended talk about ‘How to optimise 3,500 product descriptions for eCommerce in one day using ChatGPT.’ Find my Speaker Deck here.

I did a talk at BrightonSEO 4. October 2024, where I talked about ‘How to optimise 3,500 product descriptions for eCommerce in one day using ChatGPT.’ Find my Speaker Deck here.

Find my Speaker Deck from the SEO Vibes on Tour Helsinki 23. May 2024, organized by WhitePress. An inspirational and hands on educational guide on my SEO process, works especially well for eCommerce sites.