You can do a better and faster keyword research with ChatGPT by creating a CustomGPT and connecting keyword data to a third party tool, like DataForSEO. Get live keyword and trend data from Google ads. Inspired by Bastian Grimm showing us how to do it at Serp Conf. Vienna, I finally did this for my CustomGPTs, and here are the instructions.
Here is an example where I do keyword research for cosmetic advent calenders in finnish annd finding the most popular brands.
Here is how to set it up:
- Create a CustomGPT.
- Create an ‘Action’ to call a third party API from your Custom GPT, for example
- Generate a base64 encoded version of your DataforSEO login and password. Ask ChatGPT for help if needed: btoa(‘APIemail:APIpass’)
- Get the OpenAI Schema made by Bastian here:
- Test the available action.
For more detailed info, here is more guides on how to connect DataForSEO with your CustomGPT.